Wednesday, 28 December 2005
Merry Christmas
Monday, 19 December 2005
Wednesday, 14 December 2005
And another thing...
Saturday, 3 December 2005
It's more user-friendlier than before and is easier to say. Now why did I pick Mohork? If you have seen me in, say, the last one and a half years, you would know. But also because it's easier to type in, sounds cooler and is cooler.
Friday, 2 December 2005
Wednesday, 30 November 2005
Speech Night
Last day of school tommorrow. If you know what's right for you, see Harry Potter after school tommorow. I know I am. Which brings me to the point. Why is Australia so behind? I mean, it doesn't take a lot of work to be able to show a movie at the same time as the rest of the world is showing it. HP's been out for about two weeks now in America and the UK. Booooooooooooooooooo.
Thursday, 24 November 2005
A few days ago something freaky happened. Every car that I was discussing passed us on the road on the way home. I was talking about how cool a Mazda 3 looked and bam, there it was. Then I was talking about a Holden looking awesome in that green colour and shizzle, one of them zoomed past. Then we talked about Subaru's and guess what we saw? Wrong, we saw a Subaru. Today I was talking about a Mazda 3 with Banh and we almost walked into one. Isn't that funny?
Thursday, 17 November 2005
Roma Victor
Anyway, what a great way to get into the World Cup. Penalty shootout. The hero of the game is unanimously Mark Schwarzer. Although the game did get a bit boring at times, there were some tense moments ie. Recoba missing the goal by 2 cm and hitting the back of the net on the other side. It was pretty stupid subbing him off, but it was pretty smart putting Kewell on. He played excellently. Viduka, on the other hand, was off form the whole game. He even missed a penalty, poor guy.
Anyway, transition has been a scream. Awesome fun. Really awesome. I mean the going home early bit.
Monday, 14 November 2005
I'll sprock your mum
On another note, download ‘Trapped in the Closet’ by R. Kelly. Fantastic song by a fantastic singer.
Saturday, 12 November 2005
Work experience
Basically all I did was stack stuff and clean stuff. Sounds pretty exciting, doesn’t it? Tell if your work experience was anymore different than mine.
Exams are over and I have a clarinet exam on Monday. I feel like the rest of the month is going to be a waste of time. What else are we going to do? Tattam band rehearsals and singing. Yay.
Monday, 24 October 2005
Exam stress
Saturday, 15 October 2005
So much hw lahz/tribute to the greatness of Ursher
I’m the kind of bruther/who bin doin’ my work since I was a kid
Without a care.
And every homework/that I did always broke down in tears/
Without a care.
Until I met this school/that turned the tables around (it caught me by surprise).
I never thought I’d be the one/breaking down (I can’t figure it out). Why I’m so/
Caught up/got me feeling/
Caught up/I don’t know what it is/
But it seems it’s got me twisted/
I’m so/caught up/
Got me feeling/caught up/
I’m losing control, this works got a hold on me.
Verse 2
My muma told me/no matter how much work you do it always come back around
Same old work/yeah.
And I was so sure/they were laughing at me cos I know I had gotten an A/
But I was so wrong.
This work/I do/it really turned me out (I’m so tired, not looking forward to the daylight).
My homies say/this work is cramping my style (I cain’t figure it out). Why I’m so/
Chorus x 2
This work/I do/it really turned me out
My homies say/this work is cramping my style/I’m so
Chorus x 2
Friday, 14 October 2005
Camp Part II
It wasn't really a week. In fact, it was no where near a week. I rolled my ankle on the step up to the rock climbing wall while I was running to switch on the light. In the dark. Upon reflection, it was a pretty stupid thing to do. Then I hobbled my way into the dining room and got told to sit there while everybody left for spotlight. I played Matt in chess though (Matt's the camp guy). Anyhow, the next morning he told me that I had to go home, as my ankle was no better. So I've been cooped up in my house since Tuesday afternoon and nobody gives a damn. So much for 'the best camp.'
Sunday, 9 October 2005
Camp Part I
Tuesday, 4 October 2005
Holiday reflections
There’s camp for us next week. It would be awesome, except for the fact that when we come back there’s going to be about a week and a half before exams. That’s gonna be a scream.
Monday, 19 September 2005
Polls closed
Anyway, the results of the poll were a draw, even though 3 people voted. James Cheng says 'general knowledge.' Garyn, being AZN, said maths. Banh, with the decider, said 'general maths', which I decided was half a vote either way. So the official results were 1.5 for maths and 1.5 for general knowledge.
People, please comment on my blog. I've heard tell of people who visit and don't comment. That's a crime and is punishable by law.
Sunday, 4 September 2005
OmG...LyK dOn'T TaLk NoRmAlLy iTs UnKeWl
Saturday, 3 September 2005
Count down to my birthday
Friday, 2 September 2005
Captain Obvious really does strike again (tribute to Catcher in the Rye, hence the extremely long title, and did I tell you about my excursion etc)
The other day, my goddamn English teacher asks me a regular Seers and Roebuck in the Shawshank Redemption meant. I said it meant that the guy had everything and does it by smuggling. Then she asks me what Seers and Roebuck was. Well, naturally, I said its a smuggling company. I mean, there's no such thing as that, but what are you supposed to say? I'm not American. Speaking of American, it's not a really good time to be American, what with the hurricane and all. And bombs. It really isn't. Anyway, my goddamn poll closes on Wednesday. Don't know why I'll make it that day. I just will. Tell your friends to vote.
Wednesday, 31 August 2005
Cross country
Michael (what kind of name is that) Che Il Joong made me think of an interesting question the other day. Would you rather know general knowledge stuff, like a saxophone is made NOT out of wood, but indeed out of brass (as Michael Che Il Joong thought it was made of wood), or get 100% on both maths exams? Consider it as a general question, not just about the saxophone. Leave your answer in my comments. And no, this is not a desperate plea for comments.
Monday, 22 August 2005
New phone
On the subject of phones, Andrew Chen and Garyn have a different take on expensiveness. And so does Arjun. Garyn's like 'I want that 800 dollar phone, bit expensive though' and Visa's like 'That's not expensive'. Then Chen goes 'I've only got 300 dollars, can't buy a phone.' Oh yeah, don't learn how to paragraph off this post.
Monday, 15 August 2005
Anyway, leave comments if you know what's good for you.
Sunday rehersals and the absence of them
I think the winter concert could have had more ensembles in it and that it didn't have much variety. I think I played pretty well, though, and I can't do more than that.
The Lion King production is toolish. Up until 30 October, you can only book single seats. Who's going to go by themselves (apart from Garyn)?
Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Mr. iPod
Star Struck
Andrew Huang 10J
That brings us to why Michael was teased, which is also the reason for his happiness. Michael was teased not so much for what he looked like (as he was quite handsome), but his friends and what he did in his spare time – acting. His friends, however, fully supported his acting. Samuel Anderson thought that Michael’s acting was fantastic and that he would make it far. Robert Sandini thought that Michael’s acting was emotionally charged and said that it brought tears to his eyes. However, a particularly malevolent bully, named Jack, who loathed Michael and his acting, seemed to exert all his energy and spend all his spare time humiliating Michael. Just earlier that day Michael had been subjected to Jack’s techniques of humiliation. It was now playing over and over again in his mind, like a scene out of a dark, edgy movie.
It was a beautiful morning. Michael thought that nothing could go wrong, as they had double sport first up and they would be under constant teacher supervision. He was wrong. Fifteen minutes into the soccer game, Jack had a shot at ‘goal’. Michael’s head had ‘coincidentally’ been in the way. As he collapsed with a shout of pain, he had heard a distinct snicker come out of Jack’s mouth. When the teacher came over, Jack was feigning care.
“Are you all right?” he had asked in what would have been a concerned voice. Michael couldn’t answer. His jaw was too sore to move. As soon as the teacher had his back to him, Jack leered at him.
During recess, Michael, with Robert and Samuel beside him, confronted Jack, who seemed to be alone.
“Why the hell did you kick the ball at me?” he said angrily.
“Your head was in the way,” Jack replied, sneering. Michael noticed that Jack’s gang was slowly gathering behind him.
“That’s a lie.” He was starting to get scared.
“Prove it.” Jack’s gang was moving in closer now.
“Let’s go,” Samuel said in a trembling whisper. Before they could move, however, a member of Jack’s crew pulled Michael back by the neck roughly.
“What are you going to do now?” Jack taunted. “Act your way out?” Michael was gasping for breath. After what seemed like minutes, he was dropped unceremoniously onto the ground.
“Go tell a teacher,” Jack said, with his gang laughing. He knew that he wouldn’t. Michael and his friends ran as fast as they could.
However, Michael only dwelt on this horrible memory because he knew he would never have to face something of its like again. Something wonderful had happened. After auditioning for a part in a
The next morning, Michael boarded the plane. His first thought was that he would not have to return to school and be teased. However, he then thought about the friends that he was leaving behind. I’ll talk to them later, Michael thought as the plane took off.
Ten years on, Michael was being lauded as being ‘one of the best actors to ever arrive at
Michael strolled around, shaking the hands of famous directors and avoiding people who were milling around with drinks. After a while, Michael met up with John again. John smiled warmly.
“Michael, this Shannon Shearer,” he said enthusiastically, motioning towards a young woman who was obviously an actor. “We met on the set of my latest movie. I’ll leave you two to talk.” With that, John seemed to magically mingle back into the crowd. Michael, however, was entranced by
“Hi Michael,” said
“I’ve heard that you’re not so bad yourself,” Michael replied. And so it went on. He even ignored the phone call from Samuel, as he had taken to doing recently. Their conversation ended hours later, when the party had ended, with the words “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
A week later, Michael and Shannon were touted as being ‘the hottest new couple’. They seemed inseparable. However, their relationship came to a grinding halt when Michael suddenly lost all his scripts because he was ‘uncommitted.’ His accountants claimed that at his current expenditure every year, he would be bankrupt in two years. After hearing this,
He was wrong again. A company that he had invested a big part of his fortune in had gone bankrupt. There were also a series of lawsuits filed against him. He was sure these were being used to scar his name and destroy any chance of him returning to fame. Michael’s wealth was rapidly diminishing. None of his friends would talk to him. I need to find a job, he thought in desperation.
And so Michael started working at a restaurant back in his home town. While he was there, he met a lady named Nicole Daniels, who was struggling to pay her rent. They immediately felt attracted to each other, as they both had many things in common. After a strong, steady relationship of three years, they decided to marry and spend the rest of their lives together. Michael Smith didn’t have many friends. But he was happy.
Wow, my short story is gangsta.
I got called iPod by one (or both) of Sam's chick friends today. I feel like they've taken away my basic human rights.
Monday, 1 August 2005
Arm hurts
I'm slowly becoming rebellious. I got a detention for English (underserved) and I almost go another one for accidentally wagging French to watch theatre sports. Then I skipped compulsory singing yesterday. At least I went to the one today. And my arm hurts.
I saw an article in the well-written mX today. It had an article on why iPods are so pop. They say it's personalised. As in, instead of calling it RT-2045, or something generic like that, they call it the iPod. So true. Another reason was that you could buy iPod socks for it. That's cool (cough). That's like something Nigel would do. Oh, he's already done it. Then there's another reason. You can buy cool accesories to use with it, such as lasers. LolZ (Asian side fighting to get out). Last (or at least that's all I can remember) but not least, you can play solitaire on it. Now that would go well with your tag of 'Cool-cool Mc. Cool'.
Friday, 29 July 2005
Thursday, 28 July 2005
What I really hate
Sunday, 24 July 2005
Sunday Rehersals
Today, I found out that iPod plays music to match your mood. On my way to South Yarra to buy lunch, it started playing 'Lonely'. Then, when this guy was trying to pick up, it started playing 'Are You Gonna Be My Girl'. When I was starting to get bored, it played 'Axel F.' The list goes on. Oh yeah, just like the One Ring, it can read your mind. I'm looking forward to the next installment of 'Sunday Rehersals'.
Saturday, 23 July 2005
Check mate

This happened a while ago, but I've finally organised work experience. Then I realised that there wasn't much of a rush. I mean, practically no-one has organised theirs.
The fad of Chinese Chess is still going strong despite Andrew Chiu's attempts to replace it with Mahjong. The 'Pow', as Michael Phan calls it, still lives. Incidentally, the photo is mine. I took it for Photojournalism. Yes, that is James Cheng playing. And yes, he is losing. As per usual. And the games barely started...
Friday, 22 July 2005

Highlight of the day: lacrosse. Even though people just went crazy, it was fun, in a Frenchie, stick-throwing thing sort of way. Those helmets are pretty goddamn useless. I mean, no one even got hit on the head.
Anyway, onto books. I finished the newest Harry Potter at a speed of which many people either call slow or fast. I finished it on Monday morning. I highly recommend it. Even if I didn't, all of you would buy it anyway. I highly disrecommend Catcher in the Rye, as it is about nothing and the philosophy of nothingness. And about a random American guy wagging school.
I have also drawn similarities between the iPod and the One Ring in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
- Apple is using it to take over the world.
- It seems to possess people and make them envious. People go to extremes to get their hands on one eg. stealing.
- Once you get one, you can't leave it at home or not use it.
- It's shiny (well, the mini is anyway).
Friday, 8 July 2005
Bombing of England
Wednesday, 6 July 2005
This girl that was doing community service declared that she liked R n B singers like Jamelia (who isn't) and this other guy said he liked death metal. I like hip-hop and R n B, so I think there should be a fusion of death metal and hip-hop to create death-hop (or hip-metal). I mean, to suit everyones taste.
I've just found out that the holidays are over and I haven't done anything constructive. Well, that's life.
I also found out that you can get fake livestrong bands from 2 dollar shops. There you go, Garyn. Get one for your sister. Anyway, I better start on doing some homework.
Friday, 24 June 2005
School's out
To summarise this term, it was better than expected but also dissappointing. In some things, I could have done better. However, in some subjects, I really could have done a lot better. In other words, I sucked.
The community service place called after I sent them a letter 3 months ago. I'm still waiting for them to call back after I called them an hour ago.
Anyway, everybody have a good holiday.
Saturday, 18 June 2005
The Social
Monday, 13 June 2005
You have Asians. However, within this group, you have the:
- "Harkaw" I-breakdance-morning-noon-and-night-and-I-have-orange-hair-and-iPod AZN.
- I-study-in-the-library-for-breakfast-lunch-and-tea Asians.
- Last but not least, the miscellaneous ones that don't know where they belong.
- The tallish "I-hit-my-head-on-the-train-door" man.
- The exceedingly annoying "I-steal-your-blazer" tool.
- The sporty ones ie. I try out for every sports team and make all of them.
- And lastly, the ones that are library-space renters.
- The "yo, wattup, I'm-black-in-case-you-haven't noticed" curry.
- The exceptionally smart curries who seem not to study at all.
- The curries that study a lot and end up where they started.
- The sporty curries.
Wednesday, 8 June 2005
Anyway, everybody, go to the social. You know you want to.
Saturday, 4 June 2005
Anyway, directly relating to the title of the post. I think that Bahn is possibly the most fadish person I have ever known. Yesterday, he revealed that he kept a pink stanley knife in his inside pocket. I mean, anyone worth half their weight in fashion magazines would know that pink is the 'in' colour. Talk about gangsta.
Wednesday, 1 June 2005
Exam stress
Yesterday, during our maths exam, a Year Nine kid who's supposed to be doing his Japanese exam picks up a maths paper and started reading it. Don't know why he did, but he got to about half way when Alexei walks in late (again) and asks about his paper. This then causes the stupid year 9 to go 'Oh, I have a maths paper'. This prompts everyone to call him a 'retard'. I mean, how can you not realise after all the warning signs (year 10, maths exam, doesn't look like Jap etc.)? Then again, maybe he thought it looked Jap. I dunno.
Exams are finally over. Stress has died down considerably, considering the fact that Gary Zhang was stressing over how many marks he lost in maths (probably none).
Oh yeah, contrary to popular belief, I did not make a blog because it is a so-called fad. That is a slanderous lie. Anyway, it's not a fad. Banh might want it to be to be cool...
On a low note, however, (who said you had to finish on a high note?), we lost form soccer. 3-0. Bahn (I shouldn't even mention him in this post) is going to get his knee caps shot.
Monday, 23 May 2005
I have statistics to prove it. Out of the five Andrew's in our class, I'm the second tallest. The next Andrew up (Andrew Chen) is *only* a meager 13 cm taller than me.
I think I'm called short because of many reasons. One, because I'm fat. Two, I look young. Three, I catch the train home with mostly tall people ie. Bahn, Arjun, Ben and Nigel. They're all giants flying in the sky.
On a random note, 10J won again. It was a close game, 6-2 or 6-3. Well, close for anyone who plays us.
Friday, 20 May 2005
On Tuesday, during Maths, he came up to me and said 'F--- you, niger b----', while denying he's racist or black.
On Thursday, I find out that his friend/s (or lack of them) calls him 'G-dawg'. How black can you get.
Tuesday, 17 May 2005
Bullying survey
They stated that fighting is not counted as bullying (as if we don't enjoy watching it).
They also asked us if we had been discriminated against (being asian at Melbourne High has its virtues).
They then asked us if we had seen anyone damaging or stealing peoples' property (Andrew Chen and Garyn Tan, new game: Counter-Steal).
Until next time.
Monday, 16 May 2005
At lunch time, this Blake guy decided to abuse me because I was a 'f--king year nine'. There you have it. Stress and anxiety all wrapped up in one package.
Friday, 13 May 2005
Soccer (again)
Today at lunch, I was watching my form play soccer, being a great patriot, when I heard something that was waaaaaaaaaay below the belt. Some people, such as James Bahn (who wishes to remain anonymous) started chanting 'Johnnie sleeps with Laios'. I swear that Laios just stopped for a second after that chant. Not that I'm cut, but you know, he might be. And he's in my form. Cruel, heartless people crippled him with their words. I hope they lose form soccer (cough, cough). If they don't, I'll make sure they do.
P.S. Exams are stupid.
Wednesday, 11 May 2005
Tuesday, 10 May 2005
And another thing...
Teachers giving you assignments while telling you to revise for exams.
Monday, 9 May 2005
Don't you hate it when...
- You spend half your weekend 'fixing' your hard drive, thinking it's a hardware problem to find out that it's a software problem? Then in the MX the next day there's an article teaching how to install a new hard drive.
- People borrow a $50 note off you and return it in tens and twentys?
Oh yeah, and a random note. There is no shame losing to 10J in soccer, as they are unbeatable.
Sunday, 8 May 2005
I should be doing homework...
Saturday, 7 May 2005
Celebrate Controversial Goals Week
Kill Mushrooms
To all the non-Maple Story players (the world is divided into Maple Story players and non-Maple Story players), you really should go to and download it. It's a quality game with 3D graphics (not really) but it's still cool.
Captain Obvious Strikes Again
Thursday, 5 May 2005
Some Awesome Songs to Download
I Miss You - Blink 182
The Last Episode - Dr. Dre
In da Club - Fiddy
I'm Back - Baby Bash feat. Akon
Yeah! - Ursher feat. Ludacris and Lil Jon
Behind Blue Eyes - Limp Bizkit
I Don't Wanna Know - Mario
My Boo - Ursher and Alicia Keys