Wednesday, 1 June 2005

Exam stress

Sorry (or not) that I haven't been blogging for a while (Banh would by happy) but I've been struck by exam stress. I've got proof that it happens.

Yesterday, during our maths exam, a Year Nine kid who's supposed to be doing his Japanese exam picks up a maths paper and started reading it. Don't know why he did, but he got to about half way when Alexei walks in late (again) and asks about his paper. This then causes the stupid year 9 to go 'Oh, I have a maths paper'. This prompts everyone to call him a 'retard'. I mean, how can you not realise after all the warning signs (year 10, maths exam, doesn't look like Jap etc.)? Then again, maybe he thought it looked Jap. I dunno.

Exams are finally over. Stress has died down considerably, considering the fact that Gary Zhang was stressing over how many marks he lost in maths (probably none).

Oh yeah, contrary to popular belief, I did not make a blog because it is a so-called fad. That is a slanderous lie. Anyway, it's not a fad. Banh might want it to be to be cool...

On a low note, however, (who said you had to finish on a high note?), we lost form soccer. 3-0. Bahn (I shouldn't even mention him in this post) is going to get his knee caps shot.

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