You have Asians. However, within this group, you have the:
- "Harkaw" I-breakdance-morning-noon-and-night-and-I-have-orange-hair-and-iPod AZN.
- I-study-in-the-library-for-breakfast-lunch-and-tea Asians.
- Last but not least, the miscellaneous ones that don't know where they belong.
- The tallish "I-hit-my-head-on-the-train-door" man.
- The exceedingly annoying "I-steal-your-blazer" tool.
- The sporty ones ie. I try out for every sports team and make all of them.
- And lastly, the ones that are library-space renters.
- The "yo, wattup, I'm-black-in-case-you-haven't noticed" curry.
- The exceptionally smart curries who seem not to study at all.
- The curries that study a lot and end up where they started.
- The sporty curries.
oh my god i hate those curries that dont study but still get A+'s [damn that arpit]