Tuesday, 10 April 2012


So last night, I log onto my Dashboard, and I see this:

How bizarre. After my 500th post, I hit 10,000 pageviews. Couldn't have planned it better myself. 

But yeah. Wow. 500 posts. Half of a thousand. Cinq cent. The big five-oh...oh. Together, those figures - the 500 and the 10,000 mean two things (but also, possibly quite more, but also maybe quite less, because, as we all know, you can read anything or nothing from stats):
  1. I say a lot of things. 
  2. Some people read some of these things that I say. 
To commemorate (for want of a better word) the 500th post, I've rejigged the blog layout. Allow me to guide you through it (if you haven't figured it out already. I know it took me a while to figure out what the hell was going on).

Click on posts to expand them. Just thought I should tell you, because it's not very apparent that they often expand into something bigger and greater.

At the top of the blog, I believe you can do all sorts of nifty things i.e. changing the layout. I think I've defaulted it to 'Magazine', because it's the one that doesn't make my blog look like a newspaper collage made by a three-year-old. Not that there's anything wrong with newspaper collages, per se. Or three-year-olds. Or both of them together even. It's just not really something that takes my fancy. But yeah, go ahead and make it a flipboard or whatever if it floats your boat.


On your right hand side, there's this grey bar thingy, where you can access the followers, subscribe, profile, archives, etc. 

Pretty cool yeah? Yeah.

The rest, I think, is fairly self-explanatory. In case it's not, from newest to oldest posts, read from top to bottom, left to right. Any questions related to the new layout, the blog, me, or just life in general, please ask. I know you won't (I'd be happy if you did), but the offer's there. 

Time to bring back the old Daft Punk video. A little bit because of celebration, but mostly just because. 

Word of the Day: 500

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