Thursday, 4 October 2012

How do I remember stuff from a unit I did almost five years ago?

It's irks me when a conversation shifts from talking with someone to talking to someone.

At that point, it's no longer a conversation.

At that point, I don't know what it's become. I can't put a name to it.

At that point, it seems like I'm being annoying. Which I probably am.

But I know it's become something that I no longer want to be a part of. Who wants to be deliberately annoying? Not me. Unless it's someone that I despise.

And there you have it. A scenario that's randomly jogged a memory of mine retained from first-year Linguistics. Something about the rules of conversation.

But yeah, like, whatevor. I'm fairly over it. If you don't want to converse, I'm not going to force you to. Not that I would be able to anyway.

Word of the Day: Conversation

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