Wednesday, 21 December 2011

The Poltergeist

There's a couple of irrational peeves that I want to talk about today (in chronological observation order).

1. A Southern Cross graphic. It's just not cool. Anywhere. Unless you're a flag. I thought tattoos of them were pretty bad. Then, while shovelling mulch today, I heard/observed a male 'person' driving a fully sick Commodore with a frigging massive Southern Cross on the back.

Yeah, we get it. You're proud that you're white, and you want to let the entire world know that you only ever associate with white people. Well done.

This isn't quite an irrational annoyance. There's quite a sound reason behind it, really. It goes something like: people who have Southern Cross motifs somewhere on their person (or, in this particular case, vehicle) are generally the same people who run around whining 'We grew here, you flew here' to anyone who isn't white (meaning, of course, that they're not born here), as if this gave them some inviolable right to treat you as a sub-standard human being.

Anyway, I generalise. So I guess I'm as bad as these people. I'm sure some of them are lovely people. Or maybe even most of them.  

2. People that try to be funny, but get it hopelessly wrong, because what they're saying is factually incorrect. As in, they think what they're saying is true, and not intentionally saying untruths.

For example, someone on Facebook today was being all witty and stuff, going on to state that a song sounded like 'Empire State of Mind' by Alicia Keyes.

There's just so many things wrong with that statement, I'm not even going to spend time on it. Mostly because I don't want to spend the next hour writing this up.

I don't know why it riles me. I mean, we all make mistakes. Me more so than others. But yeah, there you go. Irrational.

3. Dodgily-designed websites. You know, government websites, school intranets. Those types. The ones that make you bang your head against the table. It just makes you think, don't you guys get paid to design these websites? Did you try using the website before making it available to all and sundry? Why are they so bad?

So, ok, you kind of expect these to be bad, because they have a virtual monopoly in their respective fields.

But Comsec? Seriously? You make a bazillion dollars. Per minute. Surely you could have trialled the website beforehand.

I'm sure there are more. But I think that'll do for now.

Word of the Day: Peeve

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