Tuesday, 3 August 2010


One of the most bizarre things that I've noticed over the past few weeks is to what extent people care about what people do with their lives.

Take the people that keep knocking the iPhone on the forums. The way they keep banging on about it, you'd think they were being paid to trash the iPhone.

It's so far beyond irrational, it's not even funny.

Spending your time declaring your love for something, I understand. But spending so much time trashing something, which has no discernible impact on you is just mind-boggling. Why do people care if somebody is using an iPhone? I mean, grow up. It's a phone. It's not like it's a massively destructive weapon doohicky. And, more importantly, it's not stopping you from picking whichever phone you like.

Moving on. Maybe Android is more customisable, whatever that is. Or open, whatever that means.

And that's the thing. I don't even know what that means. And I don't think most people care. It's just a phone. All I know about the iPhone is that it looks good, works very well, is reasonably priced, and I'll be getting a new phone in 2 years. So really, it's not that big a deal.

Now to uni/life stuff. Pretty boring stuff. Signed a phone contract. Got into a few more awkward situations. Finding out that I'm a lot poorer than I thought I was. So on and so forth. Whatever.

Word of the Day: iPhone

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