Monday, 16 August 2010

Oh no! The milk has been spilt!!!

There are a few types of exams/tests.

There are those where you sit down, give it a flick through, and go: "Yep, it's just as hard as I expected. And I'm screwed because I haven't studied for it." Accounting last semester was like that. Thankfully, it doesn't happen very often.

Then there are those, where you sit down, give it a flick through, and go ""What the hell. Why have I never seen any of this before?". Thankfully, again, I have never come across one of these.

Alternatively, there are those where you go: "Wow. They made it sound a lot harder than it actually is," and you subsequently ace it. Stats exam would be a good example of this.

Even better than this, there are those which you know are going to be easy, and they turn out being easy, and then you ace them even harder.

Then there are those which you know are hard, but you don't find them all that difficult, because for whatever reason (studied hard, latent natural ability), you're good at that subject, and you subsequently ace it.

French test on Friday was a little bit like that. Well, not the oral bit. I don't think I'll ever be good at those under pressure unless I live in France for a few weeks or something. But the essay I found surprisingly good. Like, it probably won't be as good as Irene's, or even as good as I think it is, because I don't know how they're marking it, and I'm not that great, but I don't think it was a fail. This is probably mostly owing to the fact that learning languages is a cumulative process, and that it's all linked together, so you can't really do all that badly if your basics are alright. Which, I like to think, is kind of like me. I lament that I didn't start doing French in first year. I really do. It would've been awesome. Well, I would never have met Irene. And Taylor Swift. But ignoring that, it would've been a masterstroke.

I think "spilt milk" and "crying" would be appropriate words to use right about now. Not necessarily in that order. And perhaps a few other words thrown in would be useful too.

Word of the Day: Latent

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