Monday, 29 June 2009

Almost bigger than Manchester United

The Free-From-Exams Bandwagon is, in number of members, almost on par with The Lord of the Rings after the movies came out. It's so popular that the most popular kid in class, finding that he cannot beat it, bows down in its presence and joins it. The momentum that it gains straight after exams is like a tsunami, unstoppable in all it's sheer force and raw, uncontrollable power. All that give in to it are swept along, while those that attempt to fight it...well, they still get swept along. I mean, it is a tsunami after all.

Anyway, there are a number of reasons that I didn't join the bandwagon until today:
1. My last exam coincided with Michael Jackson's death on Friday. So for my MSN PM, it was a toss-up between 'FREEEEEEEEDDDDOOOOM' and 'RIP MJ.' I'm sure most of you agree that my 'freedom' from exams pale into insignificance against the death of the King of Pop.
2. As always, I am sensitive to the emotional turmoil that I may cause my friends and acquantainces. Com/Law students are liable to break down in tears upon hearing somebody has finished exams when they have *shock horror* not finished theirs. Despite this, I actually love you guys. Really.
3. Hmm. This point is really hard to articulate in words. It goes something like this: I'm not really that stoked about finishing exams. I had three of them. The last one was French, and it was worth 25%. The pessimist in me (that's a huge part of me) tells me that we (which in this case, means me) have been through three exam periods, with a further five left. So there are more remaining than there are completed. Plus, after five years of exams, the novelty kind of wears off a bit.
4. The last point, which is pretty key, and is kind of the crux of the matter, is that I dislike bandwagons/using a generic phrase to express my delight, or in this case, an almost lack thereof. So "FREEEEE" doesn't really cut it for me.

There you have it. First rant of the holidays complete.

Disclaimer: Apologies for the cynicism, sarcasm and general...being-a-toolness. I can't help it. I was born that way.

Word of the day: Bandwagon

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