Monday, 27 February 2012

Hating on hater haters

“Haters will say what they want, but their hate will never stop you from chasing your dream”

- Justin Bieber, legendary singer/songwriter, and greatest manchild to have lived. Ever. 

Something that annoys me. Again.

People who harp on and on about people hating on them, and how they're bigger than all that, and how they're going to rise above it. A number of reasons why this rankles me:

1. Most of it is probably all in your head. You're not really that important that people are going to hate you en masse because you're so 'successful'. Stop flattering yourself.

2. Instead, people are probably annoyed at you because you say stuff like 'haters gone hate', implying that you're so damn successful that people hate you for your success and your wealth etc, and how that doesn't phase you. Which, evidently, it does. Maybe there are other reasons that people don't like you. I know, how bizarre.

3. Just deal with it. If they are, in fact, just words that will not hurt you, and not sticks and stones, then treat them as such. Stop moaning about them.

In summary, I think these people have massively inflated egos, so much so that they think they're worthy of the jealousy of random strangers. The dichotomy is, however, that they also appear to be seeking attention, sympathy and support from their fans, or minions, or followers, etc.

What's worse is that most of these people aren't even old enough to drive, much less likely to be hated on for being ultra successful at whatever they do or have done. I blame Justin Bieber, and, possibly to a lesser extent, Drake, for perpetuating the notion that having 'haters' is awesome. You've already seen the quote from the King of Cool, Bieber, but have a gander at the lyrical genius of Drake:

I can't relate to these haters, my enemies never made it.

Zing! Also conveniently ignores the fact that maybe they don't like the music he puts out. As an aside, I don't like his music. Pretty ordinary stuff.

Anyway. These two, who have massive cult followings. They bang on about how haters only hate on successful people, so then we have people making it seem as though they have haters, because that would then imply that they are successful. Weird, but probably true. And a little bit worrying.

Whatever. For those starting uni tomorrow, have fun. For those who are returning to uni tomorrow, ha.

Word of the Day: Hater

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