Sunday, 12 February 2012

Breeks. More Breeks. Please.

And so it was that the best week I've had in a long, long, long time emphatically came to an end due to a quite atrocious morning. 

'Emphatically' may not be the most appropriate word to use there. Actually, it's just a generally inappropriate word that I bandy about too much.

Back to the aforementioned week. 

Why was it good, you may ask? 

It just was (in-depth analysis and perceptive discussion has always been a strength of mine). It seemed like every day was just golden. Good things happened, more or less, from last Friday (when I finished up at Deloitte) to this Friday. Most of it revolved around friends, cool people (a subcategory of friends), and family. Funny how good times always seem to centre around them.

I was going to do something crazy and wild yesterday, to maximise the utility of the luck and stuff coming my way, but it occurred to me that this awesome spell wasn't necessarily going to last for a full week. And, even if it was, I shouldn't push it too far. Because we all know what happens when you do.

Anyway, as it happened, it ended up being pretty much a week anyway. 

However, after the pretty bad morning, it did pick up again somewhat in the arvo, which leaves me (probably unreasonably) hopeful. 

Here's to another brilliant week!

Word of the Day: Brilliant

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