This video is so indescribably cool. It's just that. It's actually indescribable how cool it is.
Anyway, I am feeling quite close to supersonic. Yes, I know it won't last for very long, mostly owing to this backlog of work that I have, and something unforeseen will come and disrupt it. However, at this point in time, it's all pretty good.
I think it might just be Tuesdays. I always have a certain day that's really good every week. I think it's Tuesday this semester.
First lecture, it's a bludge. There's about 20 people there. So that's all good.
Next lecture, French culture. Hang with Irene and Zara (ha, I've stopped calling her Taylor Swift. Caught you by surprise, didn't I?). I usually walk to my next lecture with Irene after that, so we chat on the way.
In that lecture, I usually hang with the Kanji. Today, I hung with Eugene, who was making a guest appearance, and his girlfriend. That was also all good.
The tute after that is slightly meh. If I'm not being bombarded with the off-topic opinions of Left-Wing Dave, I'm stuck in a group where everybody's as clueless as me, and talk less than me. But yeah, it's manageable.
French culture tute after that tute. Again, hang with Zara and Irene. Then after that, I walk to my car with Zara.
Turns out she's actually quite conversational and funny. We ran into Kanji (not literally) and she asked me whether it was true that he was an alcoholic. I told her the story about how he and Rui thought they were dolphins after drinking one too many on the roadtrip. She laughed, showed me the dolphin ring she was wearing, and told me it was the funniest thing she'd heard all day. That made my day.
Also, my phone was going nuts yesterday. First, I get a call from Grant Thornton, which I missed because my phone was on vibrate. I called them back, left my number, and got them to call me back. About 15 minutes after that, I got a call telling me that my iPhone had finally come in. Later, at the worst possible time (while I'm applying my screen protector to my iPhone), GT calls me back to tell me to send my academic transcript to them again because it's too small. I'll be positive like Meng is, and pretend that it's because I'm in the interview pile that they want my transcript.
And, to cap it all off, Arsenal are on the verge of signing a defender. A completely un-Arsenal signing. He's tall, he's old-ish, and he's experienced. Cool name as well. Squillaci.
Mad fer it.
Word of the Day: Supersonic