Wednesday, 31 January 2007

It's over

As the end of the holidays approach, I reflect with a distinct sense of nostalgia on what has occurred throughout. Here I am, listening to Oasis, packing my bags, reduced to reading Harry Potter the Third (yes, I am retro) typing this post, recalling the holidays.

My trips abroad were good and insightful. They ridded me of my 'frog at the bottom of the well' outlook. Not really. But it's a new phrase I got off my Dad. Which is another thing I learnt. Enquire within for more information.

Fishing at Metung was good as always. I learnt that maybe fish don't actually like being caught, so they avoid hooks.

I hope I have a better year this year. I hope you all do. Have a good one, friends.


  1. Hey man,

    Do you like fishing?

    I never knew that fish avoided hooks. haha! Are you sure?
