Tuesday 8 January 2013

Delayed New Year's reflections.

I can't stand New Year's resolutions. It's like, if you're going to resolve to do something, why don't you just do it at any time?

Yeah, logic, wassup. 

Anyway, I'm more into the New Year's reflection. So I'm going to reflect away upon 2012. 

I can say, almost without reserve, that it was a good year. One of the best in living memory, in fact. Which isn't really saying a lot, since I can't really remember all that much before Year 7ish.

It's been packed so full of good stuff that it seemed so much longer than 365 days. I secured employment, finished Honours, lost a heap of weight, visited Europe, made a whole load of awesome new friends, watched many awesome movies, and generally just had stacks of fun. The only slight downer (kind of highlights how good most of the year was) was my knee operation, and subsequent placing in the seats for the Coldplay gig. 

I also learned a great deal. About humanity, about myself, and about those around me. Yeah, it sounds cliche, but it's also true. 

The 'girl situation' still hasn't been resolved, but whatever. I've also learned this year that fate, mixed in with a bit of tenacity and physical action, goes quite a long way. Usually, anyway. I say usually because it hasn't worked out so far, but who knows, it might one day. 

2013 hasn't gotten off to quite a good start. Visiting my grandma in hospital, etc. From where I'm sitting now, it's probably not going to be a fantastic year. Especially when compared to 2012. I could be wrong, and I hope I will be. I could get with the girl of my dreams, absolutely dominate the CA, not work 12-hour days, and still maintain a social life. My grandma could make a miraculous recovery. 

Who knows. It's like the start of a football season. Filled with optimism at the potential of the future, trying to quash the fear of potential pitfalls. I'll just try to play it as it comes.

Word of the Day: Good

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