Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Camberwell Market + Jetting off.

Chronologically jumping all over the place here, but on Sunday, I went to Camberwell Market. I thought it'd be a good idea to share some reflections upon the event. Dunno why, but then again, do I ever?

First thing is: people there are really cool. Like, they dress, and look, cool. I guess you'd call it a little bit kooky, but it just works.

Second thing: People sell second-hand stuff for a lot there. Stupidest thing I saw there was a lady selling 2 Chinese dollars or however much it was for $180 AUD or something. Like, what the hell.

But yeah, interesting place. Might visit again one day after my trip to Europe.

Which brings me (seamlessly, I might add) to my next point.

I am leaving for Europe tomorrow. In case you're interested, I'll be trying to blog along the way, time/wi-fi/motivation permitting. Again, in case you're interested my itinerary is as follows (I'm not posting dates because a) I can't be bothered and b) you most likely don't care):

  • London for three nights;
  • Paris for four nights;
  • Bordeaux for two nights;
  • Milan for a night;
  • Venice for a night;
  • Rome for two nights;
  • Florence for a night;
  • Prato for two nights;
  • Milan again for a day;
  • Berlin for a night or two;
  • Poland for the next week and a bit; 
  • Lithuania for a night sometime during that period of time; and
  • Hong Kong for three nights. 
I may have posted this previously, but whatever. Again, if you need/want anything from any of the above places, let me know soon. Like, before tomorrow afternoon.

Catch up after I get back and all that. xoxoxoxo

Word of the Day: Camberwell

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