Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Yellow magnet on wheels.

Yesterday, while driving (duh) I learned that it doesn't matter if you pick the lane that's going faster and you're happily zooming away, all it takes is one slow car to foil your incredibly well thought-out plan.

Actually, I don't think I learned it then. But I think I reached peak frustration at the moment. I think it's mostly because I was driving home after finishing uni at 4, and I get irrationally annoyed when I finish uni after 4.

It was also mostly because usually when taxi drivers are driving behind me, they're all over the back of my car, tailgating me, like some kind of yellow magnet on wheels. That's right. You can't get away from them no matter how hard you try. Even if you choose to let them pass.

Kind of like this one:

Not really. Just wanted to take the opportunity to insert a 99% unrelated music video in.

So anyway. That's how they usually are. Magnetic, that is. Not musical.

But this one, the one I was stuck behind yesterday, decided he was going to reverse tailgate me. Or something. Tailgating me from the front.

"Why didn't you overtake him?!" I hear you, not unreasonably, admonish ask.

To that, I would answer: Do you think that I would have remained behind him for ten minutes had an opportunity to not do so arisen?

Thus concludes the latest entry in the Huang Manual of Driving Philosophy.

Word of the Day: Magnet

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