Tuesday, 10 January 2012

The Emphatic Return of King Henry

Not much time for a proper post today, so I'll keep it short.

Thierry Henry! It's been said elsewhere, but it's like it was scripted. Arsenal needed someone to lift them, to score the deciding goal against their old nemesis, Leeds, and, of course, Henry climbs off the bench, and scores one of his trademarks. Left channel, beautiful control, curls it around the keeper into the far post. As Arsene Wenger said, it was a very Henry angle.

If you haven't seen what I'm ranting and raving about, click here.

In case you haven't heard, this man was the reason I started following the Gunners all those years ago. To me, in his prime, he epitomised so many things that were beautiful about the game. Pace, skill, power, timing, teamwork, athleticism, goals. Ripping through teams as if they were paper, and he was some kind of paper...ripper. All done with seemingly very little effort. He's also a throwback to a team that was as good as good can be. I'd say that team would give the modern day Barcelona a run for their money. Ljungberg, Vieira, Pires, Campbell.

To see him return, and score the decisive goal in his first game back, is beyond unbelievable.


Although his facial hair is questionable, there was no doubt about the elation he felt at the goal. All in all, pure, undistilled, sheer awesome today. 

Also, started work yesterday. Been learning quite a bit, settling in, and all that. Still finding my feet a bit, but starting to feel a lot more comfortable. More about that anon I guess.

Word of the Day: Henry

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