Tuesday, 4 October 2011

I'm so happy, cos today, I found my friends. Or something like that.

Sigh. Uni resumes, and with it, all the fun and frivolity that normally comes with education.

So let us do another awesome rewind thing back to the start of the mid-sem break.

Went to see Nirvana with Zara and her friends. Quite a friendly bunch. Her friends, not Nirvana. Although I'm sure they're alright too. Or were alright. Whatever. Quite an enjoyable night out. Should do it again some time.

Nirvana was also good. Their gigs were...interesting. And loud. But mostly interesting.

Favourite song off the album.

Just got Nevermind today. Came included with the price of the ticket. Hence the extortionate prices.

Allow me to have a little rant about parcel delivery.

For some reason, despite there being people in my house 99.78% of the day, nobody ever seems to be able to receive the parcel.

I don't know what advantage they get from having me drive to the post office to pick it up, but it must be something, otherwise they wouldn't do it. I'll figure it out one day.

Also, Allmusic, or whoever it was that shipped it to me, is ridiculous. I ordered it on Saturday, they sent me an email on the following Friday to tell me that they had shipped it. It takes them a week to ship a CD. And then I have to go and get it on the following Tuesday. Almost a week-and-a-half to get a CD out to me. And then, it isn't even to me. I have to go get it. Which, if you think about it, is beyond stupid, because it's almost as inconvenient as driving out to buy it. It's slower too. And they wonder why people download music.

Journeyed to the West Side with my loyal lackey, Banh, to attend Orrin's 21st. Was quite an enjoyable night. Orrin's girlfriend, Cathy, kept attacking me and imploring me to spin Simon Dinh's music, and not mine. She also found calling me Amy Huang hilariously funny. This is why you don't get drunk, children. Or, at least, if you're going to get drunk, make sure it's after a decent amount of alcohol, and not after 0.45 of a beer or whatever it was.

Also, don't be an annoying drunk.

Anyway, Simmo switched his music on, and, funnily enough, it was the same music that I had on. The min of a drunk person works in funny ways.

I also found out that taking photos at parties is great. It lets you slip away from people that you don't necessarily want to talk to, or if you just want a break, and to observe what other people are getting up to from a distance. Amazing.

Speaking of two-bob, Arsenal lost again. I'm getting pretty sick of us losing. I wish we'd win against someone decent once in a while.

Word of the Day: Frivolity

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