What's more surprising is the fact that it happened during the semester. And I'm also sort of on top of uni work.
Actually, it's not even really worth writing about. Well, it is to me. But you, dear reader, probably couldn't care less. But since everything I write here is about me anyway, and you (presumably) read it anyway, I'm going to go ahead and write it.
First half of Friday
Had a job interview, went ok, probably won't get to the next round due a combination of mediocre performance and not very many available spots. Blah, blah, blah, boring stuff, you're approaching Care Factor 0, moving on.
Called up JB Hi-Fi. They didn't have the deluxe edition of Watch the Throne in stock yet. Boo-hoo, go have a cry, who buys CDs anyway, move on.
Second half of Friday
This was where the real fun began.
So I got Zara on the way to Safeway on the way to Irene's trivia night gig. We basically bought everything that could be bought at Safeway, and went to Clayton Hall, and managed to not get mugged. Was probably due to our red attire. Red is the colour of winners. Or something like that.
Needless to say, fun(ny) times ensued. Basically had high hopes of a win, and came closer to losing than winning again. On a less heartbreaking note, I won a raffle prize (!). I was pretty stoked. It's always nice to win something. So for the second successive year, I went home from trivia night with a Maxwell Williams Breast Cancer mug. So manly.
For some reason, upon reflecting on the night's frivolities, a similar image came up in my mind.
Fun times, and all that. A lot more fun than I've probably conveyed above. Excitement doesn't come across too well when typed. Should do it again some time soon.
Did Auditing work. Did Corp Fi work. Downloaded Chrome 14. Felt like a bit of a Fandroid.
Felt upset that Arsenal didn't win. Cursed Joey Barton. Consoled myself that the Arsenal are still unbeaten for the season. Read Auditing book. Will read Corp Fi book.
Ok, so basically, my big weekend was trivia night. And it wasn't strictly a weekend. I'm sorry if I've deceived you. If you feel aggrieved and misled, well...deal with it. Anyway, I'm liking this balancing of work, uni, and fun times. It's a new sensation for me. One that I quite enjoy. I'm pretty much going out every week, unlike the back in the olden days (I know, what a loser right?). I think it may be a combination of me actually doing work, actually reading the relevant readings before lectures, and having two days off uni.
That's another thing. There's seems to be a massive emphasis on reading before lectures this semester. I swear they never used to tell us to do that. Now EVERY SINGLE LECTURER is encouraging us to do it. I blame it on the erasure of Week 13.
Busy period coming up in a few weeks, so I should probably lay some proverbial groundwork, and cut back on the fun times. Maybe just a little bit though.
Word of the Day: Erasure
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