Sunday, 26 June 2011


Sometimes (often at the most inappropriate times), I understand things so well, that I could be said to be overstanding them.

For example, I now understand why people get so peeved when their boyfriend (or girlfriend, depending on what floats your boat, etc) doesn't call them at a predetermined time.

It's just dumb. It's like, if you call them, then it's like you're being annoying. But if you don't, then they're unlikely to ever call you. Or anything similar. Ever.

This isn't about a girlfriend (or boyfriend, for that matter). It's just a friend. I just don't know what I have to do for her to remember my existence. It's a bit weird. The only way to describe it is phase-y. Like, we'll be all cool for a while, then for the next while, it's like I'm invisible man. Or something even worse. Like Poisonous Man. Or something.

Anyway, I was going to talk about that Jessie J song, but it seems to pale into a bit of insignificance right about now. I guess we'll leave it for next time. Or the time after. Or whenever.

To finish on a bright note (which I like doing), it hasn't been all doom and gloom. Seems like I have friends (or miscellaneous activities) to occupy me most days.

For example, Banh's epic cookfest night thing that happened at some point in the last few days. Good stuff.

Or the impromptu hours-long supper at Max Brenner and some other random trendy cafe in Glen Waverley with James Cheng, Meng, Hayley and Lily. That was awesome. Massive talkfest about everything and anything, and a lot of nothing as well.

And a roadtrip to look forward to soonish. And Harry Potter movie and all. Would be an excellent holiday, if not for the fact that a) I'm quite worried about failing one or more units, and b) I don't have employment secured for next year, and people around me are talking about how awesome their jobs are/how awesome they want their jobs to be. But que sera, sera, and all that. I'll just give it my best shot, and if it's not enough, I guess I'll just have to give it my best shot again. I just hate letting my parents down, that's all.

But ending on a bright note, and all, good stuff to look forward to this holiday season.

Word of the Day: Phase

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