Usher gig was sublime. Trey Songz opening spoiled it a little I think, because that guy was atrocious. He just kept singing about how he was single, how good he is at life, how he's single and ladies should get with him, and that he was single and that he liked ladies.
Maybe it was a ploy by Usher to make himself look even more awesome in comparison.
And he was awesome. All-singing, all-dancing, all-talking. And he did all of that to perfection.
I thought that the best thing about the whole gig was that he sang so much of his old stuff. Kind of makes me wish I'd gotten better tickets for the spectacle. Don't know how much longer it's going to be until he performs his old stuff again.
See the thang, about you, that caught my eye
Is the same thing that make, me change, my mind
His MJ tribute was also very classy. Just dancing, no singing. Reminded me of the very touching John Mayer rendition of 'Human Nature' at the MJ memorial. All guitar, no singing. Something about not knowing him personally, so it wouldn't be right to sing. Here it is here.
Why, why, tell them that it's human nature.
Still gives me shivers.
Even though Usher did know him personally, I still think it was a great idea. So he put on the MJ shoes, and danced.

All hail the King.
I thought the whole thing was really a subtle MJ tribute. The red leather jacket, the MJ-aping dance moves.
Good stuff all around.
I'm going to leave you with this little video today. I thought I'd posted it at least a million times already, but I don't think I have, because the official vid won't let me embed it. You can have this pirated version instead.
Laters, Usher fans.
Word of the Day: Usher
Credit to Sarah Huang for the photo.