I hate getting crushes. I really do. Most annoying things ever. Simultaneously distracting, depressing, and uplifting. Far out.
But if this were not to happen, would i truly be human?
Look at me. Two days into this Leaders thing, and I'm already being all philosophical and stuff.
Today, I also got 'U Remind Me' by Usher stuck in my head again. I think it's been on here once before (or maybe twice. Or maybe three times. Or maybe just once), so I won't do it again.
Also, on a completely random note, overly-clingy boyfriends annoy me. Clingy to the point where it's almost as if they're stalking their girlfriend. Like, seriously, do you have to to be everywhere that she is at any given moment? I mean, it's not like he's cutting my lunch or anything, this possibly-hypothetical male, but it just irks me for some inexplicable reason.
Overly-clingy girlfriends annoy me less. I guess it's mostly to do with the fact that it's more normal. More being a key word there. Amongst the other key words.
Word of the Day: Simultaneously
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