It is one of the better films that I have seen in the past few years. Again, it has that Disney ability to transport you into the world that it's set it, and it makes you feel something.
Although it does employ a lot of deus ex machina, and sometimes didn't make plausible sense, I felt as thought it didn't matter. Anyway, that's what all Disney films do.
Speaking of which, there were songs. Actual songs! I know, right?
I read somewhere online that it wasn't a very good movie for the 50th Disney feature film thing. I disagree. I thought, while it could've been better, it was very suitable. It was kind of an homage to all the old Disney films. The structure was similar and the songs kind of all lifted variously from these films. As like the old ones, the animation was superb.
Having said all that, the songs could've been better. They weren't particularly memorable, but they were pretty good nonetheless.
Definitely worth the money, and it actually looked alright in 3D. We didn't have an option, because we decided to visit the new Forest Hill cinema. Turns out not much has changed apart from external appearance - Knox had about fifty millions sessions of 2D, while Forest Hill had zero.
I'm in half a mind to see it once more. We'll see how it pans out.

Word of the Day: Tangled
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