Monday, 25 August 2008

The Holidays that Never Were

It's not like I never had a holiday. Quite the opposite. It's just that I seemed to have omitted them in my posting, and now my life is out of chronological order. I'm sure you'll get over it. I'm sure I will. Eventually.

I think I forgot about them because they weren't really that eventful. It doesn't mean they were boring. Just not very exciting. Basically went out with various people doing various things. All very fun and amusing. But there was always something I felt that was missing. Element of my existence, even amongst all that happiness of catching up with old buds.

On this theme of reunions, I saw Si-Yuan at the bus stoppo today. It's weird. I go to uni with these guys, but I hardly ever see them. Maybe I just don't make the effort.

Closing Ceremony last night. I think I started falling asleep halfway through. Really, it wasn't that exciting. I was slightly awake when Leona Lewis came out, then fell asleep halfway through the song. Very good games. Not from the point of view of an Australian, but a neutral spectator.

I read in the paper today that they spent billions of dollars on the Games. Or a billion. I can't remember. Exorbitant, that's all I remember. I still maintain that could have spent at least half of that on something more tangible.

I have so much stuff to get through this week, I don't even know why I'm blogging. It seemed like a good thing to do at the time. Like that TKD guy said before kicking the ref.

Word of the day: Olympics

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