First incidence: Me, Banh, Yappo and random significant others at Myer purchased something. Stupid shop attendant guy comes along and asks us if we would like to purchase that. In an extremely accusatory tone. Number of flaws in the accusation (that's what it was):
1. Myer bag usually indicates purchase from Myer.
2. We were mucking around with it in the store, but why would we be if we were going to thief it?
3. The aforementioned product is kept under lock and key.
4. We were smiling.
I think it's basically because we were:
1. Asian
2. Students
3. In a group.
Something of a similar calibre happened but it was even weirder. I was in the canteen, trying to make a phone call (as you do) when the teacher tells me it's illegal. I stare at her, because I'd never heard anything so ludicrous in my life. Then she thinks I'm trying to be smart. "It's lunchtime," I say, trying to defend my rights. "Don't use your phone in the canteen in front of me," says she. What the hell. What else can I do? Coming back to suspicion and numbers, she probably thought I was either:
1. Trying to organise under-the-table canteen money laundering
2. Arranging for someone to be hurt
3. Trying to detonate a bomb, in which case she could stop me from doing so by telling me to put my phone away.
Anyway, it irks me. Until next time.