Tuesday 10 March 2015

Four Five Seconds

See all of my kindness, is taken for weakness. 

Wednesday 28 January 2015


Euphoria has well and truly worn off.

Especially the kind of euphoria like this:


Word of the Day: Doldrums

Saturday 17 January 2015


Prior to today, I'd had a pretty lousy week.

And now I can't stop smiling.

What an idiot.

Word of the Day: Lousy

Sunday 19 October 2014

Get ready to ramble.

There are a number of things that I am currently finding confusing, perplexing, bamboozling, confounding. When I get confused, I become really irritated.

When I'm irritated, I get restless. 

When I get restless, I can't sleep. (Probably how the word came about in the first place). 

When I can't sleep, I get angry. 

So here I lie, stewing in my confusion-induced anger, writing this blog post -from my phone! The wonders of technology, eh?

Word of the Day: Stewing

Ceiling, as seen from my bed. Needs more colour. 

Saturday 13 September 2014


I don't know if I've lost the plot or what, but I've caught myself angrily muttering 'Shut the hell up' to my computer screen over the last few days. Mostly in reaction to stuff that people post on Facebook.

Then again, it might just be an increasing quantity of 'shut the hell up' posts on Facebook.

Who knows.

Word of the Day: Plot

Friday 15 August 2014

Aurora borealis

I decided purely on a whim borne out of nothing, just then, that I had to, absolutely had to, one day, see the Nortern Lights. 

Imagine my dismay when I found out not too long after 'just then' that one can't just simple rock up and 'do' the Northern Lights. 

Apparently it's this thing that happens completely by chance, within a seasonal range. Kind of like a common weather event. And even then, the sky has to be clear for you to see anything. AND EVEN THEN, it might not be spectacular every time it happens. 

I will see them though. I'll get them. Get them good. 

Word of the Day: Aurora

Wednesday 2 July 2014

I'm exhausted.

It seems like however much I sleep, it's not enough.

I probably really need a holiday, and to get back in touch with the world outside of work. Work right now is this big leviathan that sort of blocks out everything else. Problem is, I pretty much have nobody to go with. I've thought about going it alone, but that has its own complications as well.


Word of the Day: Complications