Sunday, 8 June 2014

Super deep analysis.

There's an element of the human condition that's a bit sad, but also simultaneously excellent. I'm talking about Familiarity. 

Using Familiarity as the lens through which we sort people, humanity is divided into three types:

1. Those who we feel more fondness and respect for as we become more familiar with them, and get to understand and know them better. 

2. Those that we distance ourselves from (or should, but sometimes don't), whether consciously or unconsciously, because Familiarity reveals, for want of a better/less melodramatic phrase, their dark side. 

3. Those that we don't become familiar with at all. Apologies in advance to those 6.5 billion (and counting!) people. 

It seems an obvious thing, but it's sort of taken me a while to reach this conclusion. It kind of developed into a cohesive thought on Friday night. Of all times. Maybe my mind becomes more metaphysical when it's tired/stretched.  

I've never been one to sit down and really think about human relationships, in particular my relationships with other people. I usually just sort of let it all develop/maintain/die organically. I think actually dedicating time to thinking of these things, and in particular, bracketing people that you know into those three brackets, helps to assess which relationships are truly worthwhile, and worthwhile developing and maintaining, which ones need rectifying or management, and which definitely need to be terminated. 

On a slightly cheerier note, I've managed to catch the vast majority of my favourite people in the world over the past three days. Does wonders for the soul. And all this with another day of liberty to look forward to tomorrow.

On a definitely cheerier note, I managed to sneak pass in Taxation. 3/5. Almost through it. 

Word of the Day: Familiarity