Sunday, 27 October 2013

November. Seriously.

I just realised today that it's almost November.

It seems like just a couple of days ago I was saying 'Ah man, it's October already'.

The weeks go by so slowly, but the year so quickly.

Word of the Day: November

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Surprise Song Sunday: For Emma - Bon Iver

For all your lies,
Still very loveable.

Word of the Day: Loveable

Monday, 14 October 2013


A litany of misfortune yesterday (which I actually found quite funny):

1. My FIN test decided to call it halfway through yesterday. This unfortunate incident actually carried over to today, as I had to call the CA people and start doing it from where it left off.

2. My lunch came out last out of five people.

3. It was also very small.

4. It also didn't really taste that good.

5. I missed golf because nobody picked up their phone.

6. I paid $9 for parking, when Safeway had it for free.

7. There was no football on. Not sure if that's a Sunday thing or a Saturday thing. Whatever. Point being, it wasn't on.

On a happier note, most of that trail of destruction was counterbalanced by being in good company for the better part of the day, and, in the case of point 1, having awesome people help me through it.

Yep. Cool.

Word of the Day: Litany

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Surprise Song Sunday: Shiver - Coldplay

So I look in your direction
But you pay me no attention
Do you?

Word of the Day: Shiver

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Rectify. Coming up the spot looking extra fly.

Just now - literally, just now - realised that I haven't written anything funny for a while. Or even anything fun.

I guess it's just kind of reflective of where I am right now. Just not a whole lot of fun/ny stuff going on right now in my life.

It's not as doomy and gloomy as it sounds. On Saturday, I managed to cop some golf with some mates, and a half-day trip to Healesville with the family. My only slight, temporary regret was not going to the Melbourne show. Then I saw that lunch was not had until 1:30, and my regret was pared back significantly.

Even Wednesday night, with class running until 9 p.m., and getting drenched on the way back, after a day of work, it wasn't so bad. Got to hang out with friends that I hadn't seen in a while.

And even at work right now, the team I'm with is fairly awesome. We have random conversations about random, non-work-related things. It's almost like being back at uni. And I almost, almost, feel like I know what I'm doing, and I'm doing it more or less ahead of schedule.

But yeah, just kind of nothing that really jumps out like, woah, that was funny.

I'll work on it.

Word of the Day: Rectify