Sunday, 12 May 2013

Surprise Song Sunday: Under Pressure - Queen

Under a little bit of pressure. Hopefully everything will resolve itself positively sooner rather than later.

Word of the Day: Pressure

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Time lapse lifeography.

Unbelievably, it's already May. The fifth month of the year. Out of twelve months. Almost half way through.

Quite fortuitously, today, the 4th of May, is exactly two months since I started this job.

Feels like just yesterday when I was all like, where am I? Where am I supposed to be? What do I have to do next? Who do I talk to?

Quite a bit has happened since then. I'm on to my third client, learned a great deal, got most of my admin stuff under control, and I'm soon to enrol and begin my first CA subject. I've also gotten into Game of Thrones (so, like, I heard that winter is coming), Arsenal are a bit more on track than they were a few months ago, I've made a few friends, watched Iron Man 3 (good, good movie) and increased my hatred of public transport.

I'm enjoying it so far. There's been a few late ones, and a couple of people I didn't really get along with, but the great thing about audit is that these two variables generally don't persist for more than a few weeks.

Finishing late is usually attached to certain jobs. Likewise with people you don't get along with. Rotating jobs every few weeks lets me get away from both after a few weeks. Usually, anyway.

Even with the people I don't really get along with, I've sort of learned to not take it personally. I mean, some people make it personal, but I've just kind of tried to take the view that that's just how they are. Just not very personable. Or maybe it's the pressure from work. Anyway, I haven't had to work with a great deal of people like that. Maybe just a couple.

It's all a learning experience anyway. You learn to not be like that to someone when you're teaching them something. Also, angry/angsty feedback doesn't necessarily preclude it from being useful feedback. Just because someone pretty much labels you an idiot for stuffing something up, at least they've let you know that you've stuffed something up.

I'm also pretty pleased that the social calendar is picking up somewhat in the next couple of weeks. Kind of the storm before the storm. The social storm before the work storm. Or something.

Word of the Day: Thrones