Monday, 25 July 2011

Deja vu again

So, first day back at uni today. Hopefully this will be my last first day of the semester back at uni.

I'd just like to remark that I'm knackered. The last week of holidays was not restful in the slightest, for one reason or another. There's also a lot of stuff going on right now that's making me anxious again. A lot of seemingly little, solvable, petty things that, when combined together, just seem like one big indistinguishable lump of mess.

Apparently I'm already behind in Auditing. Because we were supposed to miraculously know that we had stuff to read before the first lecture.

Applying for jobs is a bit of a pain. Actually, not a bit. A lot. It's just so draining, in more ways than one. But not in that way.

Those are two of the problems, one of which just cropped up today.

Anyway, ending on a happy note, I'm not really that sad.

There's your happy note.

Word of the Day: Petty

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Mish-mashimuss maximus

Random thought just occurred.

You know your timetable for uni's good when you try to change classes around, but you find that there's really nothing that needs changing. Oh, and when you have two days off. And no early starts. Or late finishes. Ka-ching, and all that.

So yeah. What's new, I hear you ask.

Not much. Applying for jobs all over again, etc. Just came back from Rye, where I found out that I'd passed everything with (relative) flying colours. Relative to what I'd expected. That is, more than one fail.

Much of the good feeling from that, and the roadtrip, has since evaporated, leaving me with little else but this black, empty void of job applications and firewood moving.

Oh, and Hayley called me up for dinner with Meng and Ling. That was also good stuff.

Harry Potter was good too. Sort of. I'll talk about that another time maybe.

But yeah, it's all been pretty dreary. I've even run out of candles.

I think I'm just quite irritated at the fact that I've spent most of my holidays looking for something to do, and all of a sudden I'm running out of time to do things. Not things like, "Oh, let's go build a sandcastle on a beach in the rain because I'm that bored," actual things that need doing.

Back to Rye (metaphorically, anyway). Yeah, good stuff. As we reflected a while ago, it'd be one of the greatest things ever if we could all still be doing this when we're 30. Makes me kind of sad thinking about it, but there you go. Now you can think about it as well.

Oh, and maybe we'll pick somewhere else next time. Just to freshen things up a little.

Finally, I think I'm going to start a music blog soon*. It'll be a music blog with a bit of a twist though. Stay tuned if you like what you're reading here. Or even if you don't like what you're reading here, and just like music. Or even if you don't like music, or don't like what you're reading here (in which case, I would question why you're here at all. Maybe you just want something to read, but all your books mysteriously Disapparated).

Wednesday, 6 July 2011


For some reason, I'm feeling a bit unsettled again.

Not unsettled as in I want to randomly uproot myself and relocate somewhere, just more not very happy with many things.

I don't know what it is exactly. I think it's a combination of things. All of which are too trivial to mention separately, but each of which kind of make me a little bit upset/melancholy/unhappy/blue, and all add up to one little pile of bleurgh. Friends, family, girls (or lack thereof), uni (even though it's not uni season), etc. Same old, same old. And yet, isn't it funny how it's always the same old problems that bug us? Or, at least it is with me.

There have, of course, been bright spots. It's just when I'm not within one of these bright spots, I sort of feel a bit blueish. Kind of like a pale blue. Or a bluey purple.

I also just realised that a month and a bit of holidays is not really all that much. It just sort of goes. Like a Ferrari. Or a G6.

Word of the Day: Melancholy