Sunday, 15 May 2011

Boring, boring City

Football - cup football in particular - is truly amazing.

Not just in the sporting sense either. I'll explain what I mean.

Last night, at the conclusion of the FA Cup final, fans from both the winning and losing side were crying. One side was crying because they hadn't won anything for around half a century, and they'd finally done it. The other side were probably crying because they haven't won anything for a similar amount of time, and this will probably be their best chance of doing so in the next half a century.

What was amazing was that people actually care so much about these teams that they shed tears for them. They have no financial stake in the clubs, presumably don't put money on them winning, don't have any sort of tangible vested interest in them. And yet, they cry. Spectacular, what football can do.

Even the guy who is is king of not caring about anything, Liam Gallagher, was jumping up and down last night because his team won.

I supposed it's only cup football that induces these kinds of emotions as well. Or at least, with this kind of force.

Anyway, season's over again for the Arsenal, and it's yet another one without a trophy. Wouldn't have minded a Carling Cup, or something, anything, just so people can stop talking about how Arsenal haven't won a trophy for X number of years. Like their team have won loads in the last year or something.

Back to work!

Word of the day: Induces

Thursday, 12 May 2011

She thinks she's Kate Soprano or something

There's something that I've been meaning to get off my chest for a very long time.

You might ask, "Well, why haven't you done it before then?"

That's a good question. And one that I don't have a good answer to. Or any answer to, in fact.

Moving on.

This is what I've been meaning to get off my chest.

Kate Ceberano annoys me.

Annoys me in a way that few other people, celebrities or otherwise, do.

I don't really have a firm fix on why. I think it may be to do with the fact that she's EVERYWHERE. And yet, I have no idea why she is.

I think she was a singer once upon a time. And she may or may not have had a number 1. I could Google it, but yeah. Ceebs.

Whatever. Regardless of all that, her face is just one of those faces that annoy me. That's also another reason why she annoys me.

Thirdly, to be honest, I don't find her attractive in the slightest. If she was hot or something, maybe I wouldn't mind her as much. However, I just realised that that constitutes a circular argument, because if she were hot, I'd probably not find her that annoying. Which brings me back to my original 'point'.

So that's it. The big thing that I've wanted to get off my chest. That's what they say in the hood.

Word of the Day: Chest

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

The proverbial rollercoaster

I'm constantly fluctuating between nonchalance and extreme worry. Definitely not beneficial for my emotional wellbeing.

Right now, I'm a bit nonchalant about everything.

Got a test this afternoon? Whatever.

Still unemployed for next year? Whatever.

Raining outside? Bit of a worry, but mostly whatever.

This is in contrast to last night, when I was just full-on beating myself up about how much I sucked at life.

And now I'm in this tute, where two groups present on exactly the same question. I don't understand the logic of it, but who am I to question the powers above?

Word of the Day: Nonchalant

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Many happy meetings

When I got home, I realised today was a good day, despite me still being a dud in many aspects of life.

I realised that the reason for it being good was that I ran into about a million and one people that I actually liked today. For the first time in a while, I ran into people that I actually wanted to talk to, and not people that I would rather avoid at all costs.

Upon arriving at uni, I ran into Irene on my way to class. After that, I went to aforementioned class, and felt like a dud all over again.

Then, on my way to my next class, while waiting for Yun, I ran into everyone's favourite white man, Orrin. Or, at least, my favourite white man. We had a good old chat about nothing in particular, and went our separate ways.

After our next lecture, I ran into none other than Ken, he of Vietnamese origin. We had a good old moan about uni, and away he went.

Then I ran into Davy. Funnily enough, Yun and I were discussing him about two minutes before, and how she couldn't get through to his mobile.

Then, I ran into Elene and Irene (again!).

Good times all around.

Now the bad.

I think I have a slight cold. Worst time to get it. And to make it worse (not that they're related or anything. At least, I don't think they are), I split off a bit of my fingernail from my finger when I was all gung-ho and opening a cardboard wrapping this morning. So now it hurts like hell when I try to type, so I'm typing like a guy who only has the use of nine fingers. Timing could've been worse. That's not to say I wanted it to happen, but it's not the worst time for it to happen. Should be healed by tomorrow, so don't worry too much. I know you're worried.

So, Osama bin Laden. My views. Yay.

Personally, I don't really feel anything massive at the news. I mean, I've always subscribed to the view that one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. American troops kill people, he kills people.

I know, I know, people are going to say, 'You'd feel differently if he'd attacked someone close to you.' And yeah, I know I would. But I'd also contend that you'd feel pretty bad too if an American soldier attacked someone close to you.

I understand why people would be happy that he's dead. Especially people that have been affected. I'm not demeaning the suffering that they've gone through by any means. But I think it's also good to remember that in the process of invading other nations, the USA has also killed a lot of fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and friends. Many of them just as innocent as those that suffered in the terrorist attacks perpetrated by bin Laden.

I don't admire the man, but I do respect the fact that he turned away from a life of exorbitantly comfortable living, for an ideology. For something that he believed in. While I know that the vast majority of what he did was utterly reprehensible, I respect that one part of his character. Let me make it clear that I don't love the guy, or what he did, but I just think that the act of ditching billions of dollars for ideology is quite a feat.

Just so that I don't get abused, verbally or otherwise, let me make it quite clear once again: I have no love for the guy. I'm just not in the "Woooo, yeah, he's dead" camp.

Anyway, that's all. I don't think it changes much in the grand scheme of things, but it's good in the sense that it provides some sense of closure for the victims of his attacks.

Back to uni stuff discussion. It's still pretty hectic, and looks like being so for the foreseeable future.

Oh, and I'm getting panic attacks from doing uni work. And my finger hurts from all that typing.

Word of the Day: Osama