Sunday, 17 April 2011

A musing

How odd it is that 'like' seems to be a stronger word that 'love' when you're not in a relationship.

And yet, when you're in a relationship, the word 'love' suddenly becomes much, much stronger than 'like.'


Not in relationship
"I like you" implies a feeling of attraction, usually to someone of the opposite gender.

"I love you" probably doesn't imply this.

In a relationship
"I like you" pretty much means nothing when said to your partner.

"I love you" probably means 95% of their world.

Completely innocuous musings, unlike most of my other musings. Inspired by my friend, who shall remain unnamed, who drunk texted me. Long story, and all that, so don't worry about it. Just know that it got me thinking about how semantically interesting these two words are.

Back to Tax Law assignment.

Word of they Day: Musing

Friday, 15 April 2011

And another one

This is just another post detailing how utterly tired I am.

I think I'm actually using my brain this semester, and that's why no matter how much sleep I get, it doesn't feel enough.

Who knew that using the brain could be so tiring?

Having said that, I'm still behind in everything. Urgh.

I don't know where I'm going with all of this. Probably nowhere much.

In summary, the quality of my posts will not improve until all this is sorted out. Everything. So don't hold your breath.

Word of the Day: Breath

Monday, 4 April 2011

Let down

So I think it's safe to say I've been a bit of a let-down again.

It's one thing to not get interviews and get rejected.

I got four interviews with the five biggest accounting firms. And they all rejected me. With one of them, I got to the partner interview, and I still managed to bollix it. Truly amazing.

Part of it may be due to my inability to play the interview game. But the partner feedback, reading between the lines, was basically 'You have good communication skills, but I don't like you.'

It's frustrating more than anything. I know that if they give me a job, I'll work hard, and most probably do well. I think I make that pretty much clear. I don't know what else they're looking for. Seriously. Like, with the partner interview, what more does she want from me? I don't understand. It's actually eating at me a bit, to the point of making me a little bit sad at my failure, once again, to do something mildly impressive.

I guess this comes back to my life in general. I would like, just once, to be able to achieve something that might actually surprise people. In a pleasant way. And this was probably one of the best chances that I had of doing it.

And also repay some of the faith, often unfounded, that my parents place in me. And the support that I get from my friends.

Oh well. I guess the job hunt continues. It's just hard to take, because it's mostly down to me having problems with interviews.

Also, uni work is starting to pile up. For the first time in my life since I've had MSN, I've not been online for more or less two consecutive days. Yes, that's how bad it's getting.

Word of the Day: Surprise