Despite my gloating, I am still a massive social failure.
End of French tute, Zara was there, probably should've spoken to her for a bit. Because, you know, that's what decent people do. Instead, I walk off after saying hi. I have no idea why. Maybe because, deep down (or not so deep down, as the case may be), I am still a shy person. Practice makes perfect, and all that. I will atone for this foolishness.
Moving on. What's really irking me right now is people that aren't paying me money that they owe me. It's not that it's a truly massive sum, but it is rightfully mine, and I feel as though those people are being rude, more than anything. I don't think I'm stingy with money by any stretch of the imagination. But normal human behaviour would dictate that, after someone's already bought the 21st present, and you voluntarily said that you would chip in money, without the prompting of said person, that you would pay up rather soonish, because this person has already forked out money and has gone to the trouble of physically looking for a present and buying it.
That'd be normal, right (well, for me anyway)?
Apparently not. Two of the people that have yet to pay me haven't responded to three of my Facebook messages. I know they go on there, through various channels.
What's more, one of them told the birthday boy, Kanji, what we (and I use that term in the loosest sense possible) were getting him for his birthday, before he'd actually opened it. How someone can be so presumptuous is beyond me.
These two are Meng's friends. So lesson learnt. If I haven't spoken to them personally, or Meng gives me the money beforehand, I'm not doing anything in the future. Meng has already paid for one of them, because apparently they have financial difficulties. I have a few issue with believing that:
1. They go to other parties, where they actually turn up. Well-dressed, too, I might add. Now, if that's poverty, I wouldn't mind being in poverty myself.
2. I never asked them to chip in. Ever. Even if I did, they didn't have to say yes. But that's a null point. I didn't ask them, and one of them I didn't know wanted to chip in until Meng told me when I got to the party.
Which brings me to another point. A lot of this mess is actually Meng's fault. If he were better organised, and actually thought about these things beforehand, none of this would've happened.
But as I said, lesson learnt. Apparently he's going to ask one of them for the money, presumably soonish, so that I don't have to. Nobody wants me to do that, because it'll just end up being me verbally bashing him, and perhaps even physically.
He better not reply with "It's just $25." And nobody else better say that to me. Because they will cop it big time.
I got asked by Meng whether a friendship was worth $25. I told him that I no longer consider such a person my friend, because friends don't do this, and that he should also ask him the same question. I'm sick of people making it out like I'm in the wrong for asking people for money when they owe me.
To summarise, there's not many things I dislike more than borrowing money off people, but having to ask people to pay me back is worse.
On a happier note, it is almost the end of Monday. Well, that's not really happy. But I'm trying to end these things on a positive note. So I'll leave you with this video, which reminds me of summer.
I can't lie, you're on my mind, stuck inside my head.
Word of the Day: Jerks