Sunday, 26 September 2010

She wasn't black

The one thing that I gained from Ben's 21st last night:

In case you don't get it right away, I liked the bartender.

She was somewhat sultry, and looked like she had a bit of an attitude. I think she was half-Asian. Kind of ruined it though, what with the lip ring and all. I hate it when that happens. Someone looks awesome, then they go ruin it by doing something stupid like that. Or smoking. Either one is quite bad.

Newaiz. Double 21st yesterday. Kanji's in the arvo, took a carload of people with me, went home to get changed, and went out to play pool with him at some Korean pool place. I think it's a mark of how Korean it was that there were no markings on the tables. Quite confusing for a Westerner such as myself.

To be frank, I was quite disappointed. Many people who I was hoping to catch up with didn't appear, except perhaps for Meng and Vincent.

So after that, Banh and I moseyed on down to Ben's (where the bartender was, incidentally) Interestingly, I got on fairly well with Visa's girlfriend. Friendly type of lass. Good catchup session with some of the lads. Some awkward situations, but they're unavoidable if you're me.

I came home, and watch the Arsenal game. Boy, was that massively depressing. Seriously, games like that make me consider defecting to another team. It's very depressing watching players not even trying, and getting shredded by West Brom, of all teams. If I were Fabregas, I'd want to leave too. They played like utter rubbish.

Now to today. I watched West Side story with my sisters. Wasn't too bad, but I think a tad overrated. Les Miserables was a lot better.

And that's just about that for now. Not particularly interesting or invigorating, but that's life sometimes.

Word of the Day: Sultry

Friday, 24 September 2010

Tied up

Oh, the dilemmas in my life.

Black or blue tie tomorrow night? Black makes me look a lot more dangerous, edgy and sophisticated at the same time, while baby blue conveys an air of partyness and fun. Hard to choose, hard to choose. Might go with the black, because I haven't done it in a while, and it contrasts better with the white jacket. I wish I was one of those people that could wear whatever and look good. Might shock everybody and alternate between the two at the same party. That would be absolutely crazy.

All this at the end of a very, very long week. Today just seemed interminable. Like, for example, I was having fun in the last class of today, but it just seemed to go on and on. Every time I'd check my watch, it seemed that only one minute had gone by since the last time.

Anyway, it's study break now. Time to cram, cram, cram. Right after the hecticness of tomorrow.

Word of the Day: Interminable

Tuesday, 21 September 2010


It's only Tuesday night, and I feel as though it's been a really, really long week already.

I think that happy feeling I had a while ago has long since evaporated. I've been mad at people left, right and centre, for various reasons, most of them being rational.

My attitude right about now is a massive load of whatever. If friends don't want to treat me as any more than a second-rate friend, that's cool. I've got enough of them to be going on with anyway.

As proof of how bad it's been, friends have also had bad things happen to them this past week. Irene got a bad allergic reaction AND had her car hit, Banh got himself food poisoned, and Zara broke her toe. Oh, and mum's quite sick too. It's all been rather depressive and gloomy. I mean, there hasn't been proper sunlight for ages. It's all just rain and cloud, and more rain and cloud, with a bit of wind now and then to keep things fresh.

Despite all these negative vibes, there was a bit of respite this afternoon. In the library, while fruitlessly searching for books, I ran into John and Tamara. Good people, both of them. Then I ran into Meng, before Orrin finally got there for our hastily-scheduled meeting. That was good. Got some of the weight off my chest. Amazing how cathartic talking to someone is. It feels like a burden that's been halved. Or something. Although I had to suffer through Meng and Orrin geeking out about their Android megaphones and whatnot.

Hopefully all the negativity has now been spent, and a brighter next few days awaits. Here's to a happy last-few-days-before-not-very-mid-sem-break.

Word of the Day: Vibes

Friday, 17 September 2010

They should start calling them Nadals

I always feel like a failure when I return from Chadstone empty-handed. Girl-wise or shopping-wise.

Annnnyyyway. Just an idle thought. I really needed/wanted a fedora. That Bruno Mars video really makes me want one, because now I associate being a billionaire with wearing a fedora. My cause and effect sequence may or may not be a little bit messed up there, but my care factor is so low that it's negative approaching infinity.

I also like his shirt. And his aviators. And I already have what he's wearing under his shirt. And I have non-brown aviators. And I have shirts. And the jeans that he's wearing. So really, all I need is a fedora. And maybe a flannel shirt with bigger checks. And a lot more money than I am currently in possession of. Not that I want to dress like him or anything.

Word of the Day: Fedora

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Like the battery

So, like, it's 1:36 a.m. in the morning, and I feel really energised. I have no idea why, but here I am.

I've been kind of in a post-midsem lull. I've squandered a lot of time, even though I took the day off on Tuesday, and I really have a lot of stuff to get through. Story of my life, I guess.

Moving on. Just then, I watched my sister play in her recital-practice-performance thingy. I've got a vid, but I don't know if she wants it on the net. I thought she played brilliantly, except for the second piece, which was a bit bad. But she may think otherwise, so I'll refrain for now, and master my uploading impulses. However, I do have this awesome clip of Sonny Chua, and I managed to have a conversation with him as well. It went something like:

"How you doing? You probably don't remember this, but you taught me for a few lessons once."
"Oh really, were you a good student?"
"I tried to be."

So on and so forth.

"So what do you do now?"
"Arts/Commerce at Monash."
"Oh. Tallon does Arts too."

I forgot to tell him that Tallon's not doing Arts anymore. Anyway, I'm supposed to say hi to Tallon for him. This all happened while he was walking me to the toilet. Yes, I needed to be walked to the toilet, because MacRob, being an all-girls school, has about two male toilets in the whole school. Reminds me of something. That something contains the words 'karma', 'Melbourne High School,' and 'female toilets'. Hmm.

Here's the clip. The narrations by me speak for themselves. Enjoy.

Word of the Day: Chua

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Ah. Midsem tomorrow. Joy of joys.

Maybe if I stopped squandering my time, I'd actually be on top of my work. I vow to change my habits now.

On the other hand, I really need to see Inception. Like, need. Not want. It's like the proverbial thorn in my side. It's a weight on my mind. I don't want to pull another Iron Man 2, and end up regretting not seeing it.

Speaking of joy, enjoy this one, and catch y'all next time.

Word of the Day: Squander

Friday, 10 September 2010

Overly-hyped French test number 2

Wooo. I'm on that semi-high you get when you finish a test, and it's a lot easier than you expected it to be.

That's right, French test again. What a doozy. The oral actually went quite well, I thought. It flowed, had structure, used a bit of complex grammar, and was relevant to the topic.

The test was full of grammar exercises. Grammar which I'd been cramming at 1 o'clock this morning. For some reason, I find French quite crammable, despite the fact that it really shouldn't be.

All in all, I think I may have passed. Which is a fairly good result at this stage.

And with that, I leave you with this awesome new song.

Actually, a few comments about the song before I go. It reminds me of 'You Belong With Me'. Oddly, and heart-wrenchingly, sad. For some reason, it kind of sounds like a song of yearning, instead of song of love. Odd. It might just be me. Let me know if you feel like it sounds a bit yearningful too, so that I know I'm not that odd.

Her voice has also gotten a lot more powerful. It's developing into something quite amazing. Much like...yeah. I don't know. Good song though. Enjoy.

Word of the Day: Grammar

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Yesterday, when the war didn't began...I'm so funny

So yeah, I was going to talk about my stress, but it's self-inflicted, so I won't. I'll talk about yesterday instead.

Yesterday was a doozy. Managed to watch a movie, finish an assignment, study for a tad, and go to a 21st. Felt almost on top of the world. Almost.

It began like this. I met up with Irene at Glen Waverley Library to do our French culture quiz thing. We got that done in about an hour and a bit, and that was with constant interruptions about my financial woes over the phone as well.

We then had lunch, and studied for a bit. Well, it was more of her teaching me French than actual studying.

Anyway, after that, I went home and got changed into my suit to go see Tomorrow When the War Began.

Just kidding! I actually had James' 21st straight after that. You knew I wouldn't go to the movies in a suit.

Or would I?!

Moving on. Irene kindly came and picked me up at my house (15 mins early too. Silly duffer. Got the time wrong.) We met up with her sister, Elene, and the sort-of surprise guest, her mother (cue How I Met Your Mother pun).

The movie was so-so. The acting was quite forced at times, but the plot was good. My particular gripe was about the Asian guy. Oh my word. Could not act for peanuts, and stereotyped to the max. I mean, the guy has ninja reflexes. Seriously.

So after that, we said our goodbyes, and I moseyed my way on down to James' 21st.

I seriously ate comparatively nothing. I really regret it now. I think it was because I was so intent on talking to people, and doing this and that. The food was quite nice, but for the price, there wasn't a whole lot of variety.

Speeches were good. I didn't end up saying half the things I wanted to, but I'm sure James knows that I value him greatly as a friend, and how great a guy he is. The speech was slightly funny, which is the important thing.

Good night overall. Plenty of friends to catch up with, and good environment. Happy future birthday James.

Rain is falling outside. I was going to use that to do something poetic, but I can't be stuffed. I'm going to go downstairs to get a drink and de-stress myself.

Word of the Day: De-stress

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Ah. No more Huang parliament.

Very disappointed in this whole government issue.

Firstly, I thought from the beginning that a re-vote would've been the best option for a number of reasons. One, I don't think it's right that a few people, with their own biases and pre-formulated opinions, should be able to choose our government for us. The second reason is that nothing is going to get done this way anyway, and, as Zara said, the government will probably be dissolved or something in a year.

Secondly, I don't like Gillard. As in, I dislike her more than I dislike Abbott. They both suck, but he sucks less.

A little bit off topic, but I think Gillard sucks in another respect apart from her lack of policies or any real statements. Actually, Labor in general sucks for the reason I'm about to put out.

She (or they, depending on your point of view), had a bajillion seats more then the Liberals after the last election. They went from that, and having the most popular Prime Minister since Australia has been populated, to having to make deals with cowboys from Queensland and other such 'colourful' politicians in order to form a government which will be the most indecisive thing since girls started shopping for dresses. Not that I liked Kevin Rudd anyway. Not one bit. But I just found it surprising that they would be fool enough to replace somebody so popular.

That's all from me today. Not much else to talk about from memory. Or nothing relevant/important.

Word of the Day: Hung

Monday, 6 September 2010

Nelly I, love you

I was listening to this today.

Also, I have a dilemma. Well, not really. It's more of a problem. There is no dilemma, because there is only one solution.

See, I want to go see Tomorrow When The War Began with Irene and Elene on Wednesday. Problem is, the one they're seeing is at 3:30 p.m., and I'm supposed to be at James' 21st at around six.

Which would be fine, except I'm supposed to turn up in a suit. So I guess I could turn up to the film in a suit. Which is just a little bit dumb. In my defence, it's a pretty nice suit.

Anyway, I'll just see if we can see an earlier one. If not, guess it'll have to be another time.

Enjoy the music.

Word of the Day: Nellyville

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Dun dun dun

Week 8 of uni coming up, and my sense of impending doom isn't quite as strong as it was last semester. Perhaps it's sort of a sign that I'm working slightly harder.

And in a complete contradiction to this, I went to Eugene's 21st last night.

Well, it wasn't just me. But I did go there.

A good gig overall. Not much else to say apart from that. Apart from wondering why I always get a pimple before parties. Ruins the photos. Not that I'm exactly photogenic in the first place.

Also, I dislike how that Jonathan guy mocks me. Probably thinks he's all that just because he's good-looking.

Good Father's Day today too. Had coffee with the family, minus Sarah, and went to visit grandpa later because it happened to be his birthday as well. I give money to grandpa to buy himself some food (don't worry if you don't understand, it's a very Cantonese thing), and Sarah tells me that I'm her hero. I don't know why. Personally, I don't think I'm the very heroic type, despite what I told Meng last night about me going to protect Gotham City (I was trying to get away from him. Quickly). I'm also not a particularly good role model. But yeah. I'll take it as a compliment.

On the topic of good-looking, I haven't gymmed in a while. Like, 1.5 weeks. I feel my muscles atrophying. It's so lame. They take so long to toughen up, but they go away so quickly. Kind of Yeah. Muscles are like trust. Profound to the maximum.

Word of the Day: Profound

Friday, 3 September 2010


I'm being irked by quite a few people right about now.

I don't know why, I just am, for a variety of reasons, quite displeased with the behaviour of certain people.

If you think I'm talking about you, I probably am, although I also may not be. So they lesson is, if you think it's you, you probably have a guilty conscience, and you have done something wrong. If not, then you probably haven't, and it's all good. There's a very good chance that I've already ripped into already, so if you haven't been ripped into yet, it's also a good indication that my wrath is not directed in your direction.

I'm quite tired now, so the above may or may not be to do with fatigue. I like to think that it has nothing to do with it. And I'm not still on Bumblebee just for kicks. I have work that needs to be done. Urgh.

Word of the Day: Irk

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Yo Steve!

So yeah, the interview with Pitcher Partners, was, to put it mildly, almost an unmitigated disaster.

I should've expected it. It was raining.

Like Taylor Swift, I forgot to say half the things I wanted to. Although the odds do seem to be relatively good, I still wouldn't put a bet on me.

I also haven't been to the gym in a week. I feel like my muscles are atrophying already.

Here's the song, in case you didn't understand the Taylor reference. Listen carefully, or you might miss it. Not that you wouldn't know the song off by heart now, you Taylor Swift fanatics.

Word of the Day: Disaster