Uncanny resemblance much?
On the left, everybody's favourite short-statured, long-haired Asian Masterchef type dude. Adrian Liaw.
On the right, everybody's favourite short-statured, long-haired Ranga guy from Black Books. Manny...something.
Imagine my surprise, when, for the first time in my life, I properly sit down and watch Masterchef, when I see an Asian version of good old Manny. The resemblance is even crazier when Adam let's down his hair. I couldn't find a pic of that within 10 seconds, so I gave up.
Yeah, the show's too dramatic for my taste (you won't believe me even if I tell you that the pun was not intended). Just not my cup of tea.
Quite apart from that, I'm having problems with a few people, mainly because of the fact that I don't know what they expect/want from me. Hypocrisy, inconsistency and moodiness all play a part. Not necessarily in that order. Miraculously, the situation seems to have gotten better somewhat as of today. Sort of. Not by much, but enough to be going on with.
Word of the Day: Ranga