Sunday, 25 July 2010

Asian guy! with facial hair!

Uncanny resemblance much?

On the left, everybody's favourite short-statured, long-haired Asian Masterchef type dude. Adrian Liaw.

On the right, everybody's favourite short-statured, long-haired Ranga guy from Black Books. Manny...something.

Imagine my surprise, when, for the first time in my life, I properly sit down and watch Masterchef, when I see an Asian version of good old Manny. The resemblance is even crazier when Adam let's down his hair. I couldn't find a pic of that within 10 seconds, so I gave up.

Yeah, the show's too dramatic for my taste (you won't believe me even if I tell you that the pun was not intended). Just not my cup of tea.

Quite apart from that, I'm having problems with a few people, mainly because of the fact that I don't know what they expect/want from me. Hypocrisy, inconsistency and moodiness all play a part. Not necessarily in that order. Miraculously, the situation seems to have gotten better somewhat as of today. Sort of. Not by much, but enough to be going on with.

Word of the Day: Ranga

Saturday, 24 July 2010

It's time, to dream...

...a thousand dreams of you.

Coincidentally, I'm posting this the day after Meng and I had a D & M about dreams and other such D & M things.

This is one of the only songs by a Chinese/Honky singer that I actually like. And I love it. I love big band jazz. I love how evocative and atmospheric it is. I love the instrumentation. Most of all, I love you. By you, I mean the person that I love. Not you Meng. Sorry.

Word of the Day: Dream

Friday, 23 July 2010


So, like, OMG. I found an English version of the ad. Not only that, it's extended for added awesomeness! Love it.

"Isillerating playcez. And other playcez. But ah pripare for itall."

I've got this nifty auto-replay extension for Chrome, which, as the name suggests, automatically replays videos on YouTube. Yes, I've got it on repeat.

The first week of uni has come to a farcical end. After waiting around for half an hour for our French tutor to turn up to our tute, we ended up trying to look for her, to no avail. So we went home. Two-and-a-bit hours after the tute was supposed to have started, she sends us e-mails, telling us that we were in the wrong room. Thanks.

Yeah, the week has been pretty...meh. Nothing much going on, owing mostly to the fact that I have pretty much zero breaks. There have been a few awkward situations involving a girl in my French classes that looks like Taylor Swift. Sort of. Well, not really. She just kind of gives off that vibe. I should probably ask what her name is. Not that I don't know it. But it just kind of alleviates awkwardness a little bit. Whatever.

Still waiting on the iPhone 4 pricing plans to come out. Hopefully not out of my tolerance threshold. Until next time.

Word of the Day: Places (playcez)

Friday, 16 July 2010

That is a massive chain. Ridiculously massive.

And that, Mr. Blog, is why, at times, I turn to you for solace and comfort.

Word of the Day: Lonely

Thursday, 15 July 2010


It's been a while. A long, long while. Almost a month, I believe.

This shall be another long one. I'll try and keep it short, but I don't think I can. Too much material to cover. It will also be in reverse order. Just because it's easier to do.

So yeah, as anticipated, I just failed Financial Accounting. On the upside, I did surprisingly well in everything else. So really, I did better than expected. Still doesn't ease the hurt though. I think it'll truly hurt when I tell my parents and see their disappointment all over again.

Prior to that, I was exulted to watch Spain beat The Netherlands. My two favourite teams (Netherlands, ex-favourite) duking it out for the cup. And Fabregas with the assist for the winning goal as well. Fairly average final, for a fairly average World Cup. Good stuff though. Only comes once every four years, enjoy it. Just hope they don't bring vuvuzelas next time. Seriously the most annoying things ever.

Prior to that, I went on a roadtrip to Torquay with eight other buds. Apparently I'm not supposed to talk about drunken exploits, so I'll just stick with the clean stuff.

Getting there was most definitely not half the fun. It was a nightmare. Ray was swearing at everybody, I was trying to make sure the car in front didn't get too far ahead, and the car behind didn't get too far behind. The car in front loved speeding, the car behind refused to go faster than 60 km/h. Life is hard in the middle.

Yeah, anyway. Good times mostly. Unhappy about some things, but nothing too sinister. Thoroughly enjoyed watching football not by myself for once.

And I think that's about it. I'm now going to cry in a corner. Good night.

Word of the Day: Backwards