Thursday, 23 February 2006


What an eventful day. Let's start with methods, period 4.

OK, Banh said he had brought fifa 06 to school today, which was all fine and dandy. Skip to period 5, chemistry. The teacher started picking on me and asking stupid questions. Then, I got kept back with 5 other people who happened to miss out on the test which was on yesterday. So I did the test, it took 15 minutes, and I got 9 out of 20. Which was still fine and dandy. Then I met up with Banh, grabbed the said game then walked to the train station. Still fine and dandy. I was a bit worried that there wouldn't be anyone to catch the train with. Thankfully, I found Alexei and Chae Il Joong. Unthankfully, I found Mason and Ivor (just kidding Ivor). Then we caught the train. Then we were told there was a crime scene at Box Hill, so we had to stop at Camberwell. Not fine and dandy at all. So what did we do? We caught the tram to the crime scene. It took us about an hour. After we got there, we heard murmurings about a 23 year old getting stabbed over a guitar and that he was now dead. Oh happy day. What a fantastic day. To top it all off, after I got my new gangsta pink metcard, I saw Arjun. Guess what he told me? 'I caught the train to Box Hill.'

Thursday, 2 February 2006


Nothing much to get excited over. It's just my birthday today.

Not much good has happened since the first day of school (yesterday), unless you count being told you have a chem test on monday. Or that David Lee is the only guy in your bio class that you know. Or that the world doesn't care about your birthday. Or getting 'half an hour' (accounting teacher speak for 'two hours') of homework on the first day back. But hey, after all those good things happening, I'm prepared for worse.

Actually, one good thing did happen today. I met this guy called Mundhi (I think that's how you spell it). Nice guy. New year 11. He's a nunawading gangsta. I thought he was in Ankit's form, cause they were talking like they were hommies that went way back. Turns out he wasn't. I think he's doing asian five plus legal studies instead of 3 and 4 Accounting or Bio plus legal studies. That's why he's not in the homogenius (cough) group. I wouldn't want to be in it either.