Tuesday 5 June 2007


I wish I was calm all the time. That way I wouldn't be so angry as I am now. It would be wonderful. I need to calm down. Chill.

By the by, I don't know why I'm angry. Maybe it's just good-old teenage angst. The world is against me. Nobody understands me. That type of thing. Like they do in the movies. Just, I'm not in a movie. Just thought I'd make that point.

I've found out something wonderful and I'm ready to share it with y'all. Therein lies the discovery. Y'all. Or more like a rediscovery. It's a great contraction. It's a work of art. See, you have normal "standard" words, here being "you" and "all." But "y'all" transcends that plain of ordinariness. It breaks the boundaries. It reaches a place; spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and physically that no other contraction can possibly arrive it. It epitomises succinctity (succinctness?).

Well, that was a good stress reliever. I hope y'all as happy as I am now after reading this post. Cheers.