Sunday 9 October 2005

Camp Part I

Camp tommorrow. I need 3 thin woolen jumpers and I’ve only got 2. I’m gonna break down and cry because of it. It’s a bit extreme. How many do we actually need? They told us last time that we were supposed to bring a raincoat when they had 5 million of them. Apart from these things, I figure this will be an alright camp, given what everyone else has said. By the way, we’re the last camp to go. It’s going to be advantageous to our exam results for sure. Anyway, I’ll talk to you all when I get back. Till then, peace out.  


  1. haha hope you have a good time at camp =D. oh wait im going too ahahs hope WE have a good time at camp =D. anyway, peace out hehe always wanted to say that ><"

  2. Nigger What?

    [I don't have a blogger account (yet)]

  3. have fun, best camp:)
